Κυριακή 28 Αυγούστου 2011

La Otra Familia (The Other Family) (2011)

Jean Paul and Chema have been together ten years. They have successful careers, a comfortable home and many friends. But that's all turned turned upside down when close friend Ivana rescues Hendrix from his broken home and asks them to care for the boy. Hendrix's mother Nina is a drug addict who suffers at the hands of her abusive partner Patrick. The men begin to consider making Hendrix part of their family.

English Subtitles Included.

Σάββατο 27 Αυγούστου 2011

Serial Rapist - Payton Collins(2011)

It is rare to view a film that has so many nods to different genres. In the case of Payton Collins Serial Rapist, director Toby Ross is able to blend horror, thriller, and erotic elements into what ey calls Darkotica. It is this ability to move seamlessly through these different genres is why the film becomes inviting, but the roles turned in by the different members of the cast is what will likely keep them. Ross s work on Payton Collins Serial Rapist does a tremendous job at breaking down any walls that may still exist when it comes to LGBT politics and horror. While Payton Collins is a horrible person in film the sheer amount of murders that go down by ey hand is astounding there is no furtherance of different stereotypes. In fact, Payton Collins Serial Rapist succeeds as a horror movie also due to the fact that it defies many of the tested and true filming setups , deciding rather to take the path less travelled. To speak more about the erotic elements of Payton Collins Serial Rapist, Toby Ross does well in infusing all of Collins actions with a certain sexuality. Nudity is present in the film, but it does not seem to be egregious in the slightest. Perfectly balanced and with understandable actions taken by the cast, Payton Collins Serial Rapist is one of the few horror movies that genuinely seem new and exciting to me. Furthermore, the story lends its to repeated viewings as different bits and pieces will become more clear on the second or third viewing.

Δευτέρα 22 Αυγούστου 2011

For The Bible Tell Me So (2007)

We meet five Christian families, each with a gay or lesbian child. Parents talk about their marriages and church-going, their children's childhood and coming out, their reactions, and changes over time. The stories told by these nine parents and four adult children alternate with talking heads - Protestant and Jewish theologians - and with film clips of fundamentalist preachers and pundits and news clips of people in the street. They discuss scripture and biblical scholarship. A thesis of the film is that much of Christianity's homophobia represents a misreading of scripture, a denial of science, and an embrace of quack psychology. The families call for love.

Miα εξερεύνηση μεταξύ της διαχωριστικής γραμμής ομοφυλόφιλων και θρησκόληπτων στις Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες και με ποιο τρόπο η χριστιανική δεξιά χρησιμοποιεί διερμηνεύσεις της βίβλου για να στιγματίσει τους ομοφυλόφιλους...


Παρασκευή 19 Αυγούστου 2011


In "Prayers for Bobby," Mary Griffith is a devout Christian who raises her children with the conservative teachings of the Presbyterian Church. However, when her son Bobby confides to his older brother he may be gay, life changes for the entire family after Mary learns about his secret. While Bobby's father and siblings slowly come to terms with his homosexuality, Mary believes God can cure him of what she considers his 'sin' and persuades Bobby to pray harder and seek solace in church activities in hopes of changing him. Desperate for his mother's approval, Bobby does what is asked of him, but through it all, the church's apparent disapproval of homosexuality causes him to grow increasingly withdrawn and depressed. Guilty over the pain he is causing Mary, Bobby moves away, yet hopes that some day his mother will accept him. His subsequent depression and...

Η Mary Griffith είνα μία γυναίκα με πολύ συντηριτικές απόψεις. Όταν αποκαλύπτεται ότι ο μικρότερος γιος της οικογενείας είναι gay, η ήρεμη ζωή τους κλονίζεται. Αντίθετα με τα υπολοιπα μέλη, η μητέρα του δε το αποδέχεται και πιστεύει ότι με τη βοήθεια προσευχών, ο Θεός θα γιατρέψει την "αρρωστιά" του...


Mε Ενσωματωμένους Ελληνικούς Υπότιτλους.

Shortbus (2006)

Numerous New York City-dwellers come to the exclusive club Shortbus to work out problems in their sexual relationships. Rob and Sophia are a happily married couple, except for the fact that she has never experienced sexual climax. This irony follows her to work, because she is a couples counselor who frequently has to deal with the sexual issues other couples have. Two of her patients are Jamie and James, a gay couple who have been monogamous for five years and counting. James wants to bring other men in to the relationship, and his own history with depression may hint at an ulterior motive. Ceth (Pronounced like Seth) may be the perfect addition to their family, but Caleb, a voyeur from across the street, may have his own ideas about that. Sophia visits Severin, a dominatrix with secrets of her own to reveal.

Διάφοροι Νεοϋορκέζοι χαρακτήρες συναντιούνται τυχαία στο Shortbus, ένα μικρό κλαμπ στο οποίο άνθρωποι όλων των φύλων και των σεξουαλικών προτιμήσεων διασκεδάζουν, συναναστρέφονται και επιδίδονται σε παντός είδους ερωτικούς συνδυασμούς.
Ο James (Paul Dawson) και ο Jamie (PJ DeBoy) είναι ένα gay ζευγάρι που έχουν μονογαμική σχέση και βρίσκουν τη λύση στο ερωτικό αδιέξοδό τους στο πρόσωπο του μοντέλου Ceth (Jay Brannan). Η Sofia (Sook-Yin Lee) είναι μια 'σύμβουλος ζευγαριών', που ποτέ στη ζωή της δεν είχε οργασμό, εν αγνοία του Rob (Raphael Barker) με τον οποίο είναι παντρεμένη. Η Severin (Lindsay Beamish) ζει σε μια φτηνή αποθήκη από ανάγκη και βγάζει το ψωμί της ως 'αφέντρα', μαστιγώνοντας αργόσχολους πλούσιους γόνους. Όλοι τους αναζητούν λίγη ελπίδα σ' αυτό το συνονθύλευμα προσώπων και σωμάτων για ν' αντέξουν το πνιγηρό φορτίο των προβλημάτων τους και να βρουν τις απαντήσεις που τόσο ποθούν.

Με Ενσωματωμένους Ελληνικούς Υπότιτλους.

Πέμπτη 18 Αυγούστου 2011

Hedwig and the Angry Inch (2001)

Hedwig, born a boy named Hansel in East Berlin, fell in love with an American G.I. and underwent a sex-change operation in order to marry him and flee to the West. Unfortunately, nothing worked out quite as it was supposed to - years later, Hedwig is leading her rock band on a tour of the U.S., telling her life story through a series of concerts at Bilgewater Inn seafood restaurants. Her tour dates coincide with those of arena-rock star Tommy Gnosis, a wide-eyed boy who once loved Hedwig... but then left with all her songs.

Αρχικά η Hedwig ήταν άνδρας και ονομαζόταν Hansel, ζούσε στο ανατολικό Βερολίνο, όπου γεννήθηκε. Ερωτεύτηκε έναν Αμερικάνο και έκανε αλλαγή φύλου ώστε να τον παντρευτεί και να πάει να ζήσει στη Δύση. Δυστυχώς δεν τα κατάφερε. Μετά από χρόνια, η Hedwig είναι τραγουδίστρια σε ένα ροκ συγκρότημα και κάνει περιοδεία στις Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες. Μέσω των συναυλιών της διηγείται την ιστορία της στα Bilgewater Inn (εστιατόρια με θαλασσινά). Οι ημερομηνίες των συναυλιών της συμπίπτουν με αυτές του ροκ στάρ Tommy Gnosis, που κάποτε ήταν ερωτευμένος με τη Hedwig... αλλά αργότερα την άφησε παίρνοντας όλα τα τραγούδια της.

Με Ενσωματωμένους Ελληνικούς Υπότιτλους.

Mε Ελληνικούς Υπότιτλους:

Τρίτη 16 Αυγούστου 2011

Férfiakt-Men in the Nude (2006)

Tibor is a writer having a midlife crisis. While his actress-wife is touring out of town, he meets a boy-prostitute, Zsolt . The boy skillfully insinuates his way into the writer's home, life and heart. Thomas Mann's "Death in Venice" is the overt prototype for this affair between the middle-aged writer and the beautiful boy from another world who becomes a muse for the artist. Tastes in music (Schubert vs hip-hop), literature, and food (sushi / hamburger) constantly remind us that age is not the only thing that separates the two lovers. Zsolt, it turns out, is also interested in girls, and his friends are petty criminals, thieves, and blackmailers. Yet he is also seductive and very good at spinning a web of lies to enthrall the writer, who is inspired to restart his career. Tibor eventually confronts the reality of his own failed marriage and of Zsolt's criminality and unavailability. Despite the name, Men in the Nude is not just about gay men; it's about the places we find ourselves in life and how we never know how we'll deal with them until we're put there. It's about thinking you know yourself, when really you don't know yourself at all.

Ο Tibor είναι ένας 50-άρης συγγραφέας που έχει κρίση μέσης ηλικίας. Οταν η ηθοποιός-σύζυγός του περιοδεύει έξω από την πόλη, συναντά ένα αγόρι-πόρνη, τον Zsolt. Το αγόρι εισβάλλει επιδέξια στο σπίτι, τη ζωή και την καρδιά του συγγραφέα. Το βιβλίο "Θάνατος στη Βενετία" του Τόμας Μαν είναι το πρωτότυπο για αυτή την ερωτική υπόθεση, ανάμεσα στο μεσήλικα συγγραφέα και το όμορφο αγόρι από έναν άλλο κόσμο, που γίνεται μούσα για τον καλλιτέχνη. Διαφορές στη μουσική (κλασσική εναντίον hip-hop), στη λογοτεχνία στις γεύσεις (σούσι / χάμπουργκερ) που μας υπενθυμίζουν διαρκώς ότι η ηλικία δεν είναι το μόνο πράγμα που χωρίζει τους δύο εραστές. Ο Zsolt, ενδιαφέρεται επίσης για κορίτσια, και οι φίλοι του είναι μικρο-εγκληματίες, κλέφτες, και εκβιαστές. Ωστόσο, είναι επίσης λάγνος και πολύ καλός στα να μπλέκει στα δίκτυα του τον συγγραφέα, ο οποίος βρίσκει πάλι την έμπνεύση του για να ξαναρχίσει τη σταδιοδρομία του. Ο Tibor αντιμετωπίζει τελικά τη πραγματικότητα τού αποτυχημένου γάμου του και της εγκληματικότητας και κοροϊδίας τού Zsolt. Παρά το όνομα, Men in the Nude, η ταινία δεν είναι μόνο για τους γκέη. Είναι σχετικά με τις απρόβλεπτες καταστάσεις που βρίσκουμε στη ζωή και ποτέ δεν ξέρουμε πώς θα τις αντιμετωπίσουμε, μέχρι που τις βρούμε απέναντί μας. Έχει να κάνει με τη σκέψη ότι ξέρεις τον εαυτό σου, όταν πραγματικά δεν τον ξέρεις καθόλου. 

A Big Thank You To "yavass" for the English and Greek Subtitles!!!
Files Include Subtitles In English , Spanish And Greek!
Online Here

Σάββατο 13 Αυγούστου 2011

Boy (2009)

"BoY," director Auraeus Solito's latest offering, has a simple plot: a rich, unnamed poet (played by real life Creative Writing major Adam “Aeious” Asin) meets a poor macho dancer (played by real life macho dancer Aries Pena) and they attempt to discover each other's world. The poet visits a gay bar for the first time to observe lip-synching drag-queens and dancing macho dancers and finds himself smitten to Aries, one of the boys who dances in the bar. He decides to sell his comic book collection and return to rent the dancer and take him home for New Year's Eve. Sparks fly while celebratory fireworks go off outside the house and the boys forge a fragile connection that neither of them is certain will last. This is a coming-of-age tale of a sensitive boy who arrives at his first lesson about love and who learns to grow confidently into his own sexuality. Directed by internationally acclaimed filmmaker Auraeus Solito whose first feature “Ang Pagdadalaga ni Maximo Oliveros” won 15 international Awards. He also directed critically acclaimed films “Tuli” and “Pisay”. “BoY” is his 4th feature film and has been well received in the US and Europe. Subtitles English Hardcoded

Πέμπτη 11 Αυγούστου 2011

Il Decameron (1971) Pier Paolo Pasolini

An adaptation of nine stories from Bocaccio's "Decameron": A young Sicilian is swindled twice, but ends up rich; a man poses as a deaf-mute in a convent of curious nuns; a woman must hide her lover when her husband comes home early; a scoundrel fools a priest on his deathbed; three brothers take revenge on their sister's lover; a young girl sleeps on the roof to meet her boyfriend at night; a group of painters wait for inspiration; a crafty priest attempts to seduce his friend's wife; and two friends make a pact to find out what happen= s after death. Pasolini is up to his old tricks satirizing the Church, and throwing in liberal doses of life and love.

Ο μεγάλος αιρετικός του ιταλικού σινεμά μεταφέρει στη μεγάλη οθόνη εννέα
απο της ιστορίες του Δεκαημέρου του Βοκάκιου: Μια νεαρή κοπέλα απο τη
Σικελία πέφτει δυο φορές θύμα εξαπάτησης, καταλήγει όμως πλούσια. Ένας
άντρας προσποιείται τον κωφάλαλο στη σύσκεψη κάποιον ιδιόρρυθμων
μοναχών. Μια γυναίκα πρέπει να κρύψει τον εραστή της όταν ο άντρας της
γυρίζει σπίτι νωρίτερα. Ένας απατεώνας κοροιδεύει έναν ετοιμοθάνατο
ιερέα. Τρια αδέλφια παίρνουν εκδίκηση απο τον εραστή της αδελφής του.
Δυο φίλοι ορκίζονται να ανακαλύψουν τι υπάρχει στη ζωή μετα θανάτο. Ο
Παζολίνι επιστρέφει ακόμα μια φορά στις αγαπημένες του συνήθειες:
σαρκάζει την Εκκλησία, τον φιλελευθερισμό, τον έρωτα και την ίδια τη

Με Ενσωματωμένους Ελληνικούς Υπότιτλους.

Δευτέρα 1 Αυγούστου 2011

The Adonis Factor (2010)

From the director of the critically-acclaimed film "The Butch Factor" comes an intriguing exploration of gay men's pursuit of physical perfection. When it comes to looks and body image, gay men can be a pretty tough crowd. Men are visually programmed. And gay men have an appreciation for beauty in all aspects, whether it's other male bodies or just antiques. There's no doubt that attractiveness is key to a man's self-esteem and his impression on others, especially in gay life. The pressure to look good is even more intense in an image- driven culture where near-naked images of masculine perfection abound. Men are being objectified as never before. From super models and muscle boys, to bears and twinks to average Joes, along with experts in the business of beauty, "The Adonis Factor" is a revealing look at gay men's love or lust for all things pretty.